John Blalock


Here are the images!


The show is on the 10th.

Filed under: Keg Stand, Lady Liberty,

Production Stills

Here are the stills from yesterday, keep watching for the 4x5s.

Filed under: Keg Stand, Lady Liberty,

What a day!

Its finally over, exhausting, I just want to sleep.

here are the polaroids

I’ll put up more later



Filed under: Keg Stand, Lady Liberty,

Rehersal Steak Dinner

Before every big even there should be a rehearsal steak dinner.  I wanted to be sure we did a walk through before the big day.  Prelighting, positioning, camera check, etc.  For steak we got steak sandwiches from Jack in the Box.

Filed under: Keg Stand, Lady Liberty, , ,

Get Ready


Filed under: Keg Stand, Lady Liberty,

Painting the wall

Rob came with supply’s to paint the wall.  He had taken the painting and color matched the paint.  We have drop cloths, sponges, everything we need!  Thanks Rob!

Filed under: Keg Stand, Lady Liberty,

Pre Shoot Party

We had to get a rough idea of the number of people we would need and approximately where they will stand.  A few people, some beers, and I think we have a better idea.

Filed under: Keg Stand, Lady Liberty,

Built a wall

If I am going to do this painting I am going to need a set wall.  Thank you John Wenderoth for the help.

Filed under: Keg Stand, Lady Liberty

The next Keg Stand

Time to prepare for Keg Stand 2009.

Here is my thought:


Filed under: Keg Stand, Lady Liberty,