John Blalock


Canada vs. Russian

We found a bar to watch the Canada Russia game.

These canadians become fans at a very young age (is this healthy?)

We sat down and all of the sudden

GOAL Canada!


GOAL AGAIN crap give me a chance to order my beer for godsake

GOAL AGAIN what the hell is this basket ball?!

AAAAA Russia gets one in (wow I am really taking this seriously)

WIN, wow holy crap that was crazy, it went so fast, it was exciting, was I really watching Hockey?

Lets get out of here–this country is crazy

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The Olympics!

We stayed with Seans sister in South Vancouver.  Near the curling stadium (acknowledged in the window art around the neighborhood)

We went into town

Saw the flame (I think some other people decided to do the same thing)

Got some very good advice from a chatty English (ex-pat) at the visitor center

Saw some strange looking Canadians (they may have been from out of town)

I liked the flag capes

Ate some good Ban-Mi (sp?)

Watched people watching people

Then unfortunately discovered that the whole event was evil (thanks to this sign)

(Though not really sure what it means.  But we were glad we never ran into this Olympian)

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Getting ready to visit Kelly

We will be heading up to Vancouver for an Olypics visit.  We needed to bring gifts

An Italian Bocce Ball set with dialogue added.

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Do I only shoot on sunny days?



Walked around the park with Sean

Watched Rugby

Skipped stones

And discussed Seans new work in his studios over beer

(note the wall paintings and butcher paper sketches)

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Green Lake and fish

Walked around Green Lake because it was sunny (otherwise I would hide in my house)

Got fish and chips, pretty much the best fish I have ever had:

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University of Texas

One down. three to go

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More snow

Skype snow

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Snow it TX, go figure

Rachel says there’s 4″  school was canceled.


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Thanks Zach

Yes–I forgot to mention that we put Anchovies into the puttanesca (we did not have the paste, we put in chopped up anchovies.)

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Making puttanesca (house of onion style)

This is puttanesca-al-a-whatever’s-left-in-the-fridge

You will need:

Whole Tomatoes, canned tomatoes, and tomato paste




red wine


Instructions: chop all ingredients

boil the whole tomatoes and skin them

Saute the vegetables starting with the onions

Read a poem

Add the vegatables

Add tomatoes (squeezed)

And canned tomatoes, wine, and tomato paste to taste

Once this has cooked down strain out the liquid and purée the solids

Cream some spinach for a side (and boil the noodles too)

Serve with sprinkled with parsley and parmesan and friends

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